What's to see in the night sky in March?

March, 2001

This chart represents the sky as it looks at around 10 PM local time. Some adjustment should be made for longitude, but it shouldn't be much. Right click on the chart, select "Save As" and save the image. You can then print this chart from a photo application, like Print Shop Pro, hold it in front of you with the direction you are facing at the bottom. Then, raise it above your head and you should be able to find your way around from there.


Moon phases

New-3/4_____First Quarter-3/12____Full-3/19____Last Quarter-3/26



Meteor showers
Virginids peak at ~5/hr on 3/24

Deep Sky Objects (DSO's)
Messier Objects

M48 Open cluster in Hydra, M44-BIG open cluster in Cancer (The Beehive Cluster), M67-Open cluster in Cancer, M81 and M82-Interacting galaxies in Ursa Major. M81 and 82 are visible in small telescopes. M82 is a lovely almost face on spiral that has tidally disrupted M81. Very nice pair in the same wide-angle field of view!
Named DSO's

Ngc 2481-A nice edge on spiral galaxy in small scopes. The site of a supernova in 1998 I may have mentioned to a few of you.

Here's the link to SEDS as promised.

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Page URL: http://www.stonehavenobservatory.com/Mar.html

Copyright 2000, Steve Dodder
Webmaster: Steve Dodder
Revised: 7/20/10